Monday 14 February 2011


 It is already 9.20 p.m. but I guess it is still not too late to say, "Happy Valentine's Day".  For the past week, I saw a lot of pretty gifts and bouquets being sold at shops and departmental stores for this day of love and romance which originated from western culture. Story has it that this day was named after a Christian saint by the name of Valentine who died for his faith.  Personally, I think Valentine's Day is one of a few traditions formed to increase people's spending like for example Christmas Day.  For your information, scientists believe that Jesus Christ was born on April 17 and not December 25 based on astrological evidence.
I am contemplating on buying the heart shaped door decoration which is lined with pretty silk roses that I am holding.  The lacey white and pink matches the colour scheme of my house.  What to do?  No one to buy for me and so I have to buy it for myself.
Nowadays, the men would present their lady loves with a bouquet of silk roses instead of the real ones which would cost a lot of money on Valentine's Day.  Mind you, the bouquet of white silk roses that I am holding is priced at RM99.99. 
 More prezzies for this very commercialised day.
RM29.90 for this heart-shaped ring of roses


Y said...

Ms Cheah

You are such a nice and lovely person, I hope that you find love and joy and success in your life. Your blog is very real and down to earth. Keep it up.

Miss Cheah said...

Thanks for the lovely thoughts.