Wednesday 23 February 2011


The plants in the above pictures were screaming out for me to take photos of them when I was driving past a particularly neighbourhood in Sitiawan.  The owner had taken great care to maintain his/her garden and in the process came up with very healthy looking plants which were blooming happily.  These happy looking plants would of course make for a conducive environment to live in.  I am sure the people living in the house would feel cheerful and energetic because of the burst of colours from the flowers and the positive Qi emitted from the healthy plants.
On the other hand, a badly kept garden with lots of wilting and dying plants would create an unhealthy environment for the occupants of the house.  These unhealthy plants look unhappy and would most certainly bring gloom to a place.
That was why when I spotted a few of my plants looking half-dead, I quickly too measures to get rid of them and replanted the pots with new and happy looking plants.

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