Wednesday 23 February 2011


To the Taoists and Hindus, elephants are symbols of good fortune and luck.  Elephant figurines, especially those with their trunks up in the air, are supposed to offer protection and security to a household.   According to feng shui, elephants can bring luck and good financial success to the home.
These gentle creatures are also connected to fertility.   For those trying for a child, placing a pair of elephants on either side of the bedroom door might just do the trick. Placing an elephant statue in the living room is another alternative. To conceive a male child, the couple should try placing elephants prominently within the bedroom.
To read more about the significance of elephants in feng shui, please click this link.

The golden elephant on the right with its trunk raised high was a house warming gift from Sharveen.  He took great care in choosing this gift as he knows I am a feng shui enthusiasts and knowing that the elephant is a symbol of protection and good luck for the home.
When my mum saw it, she wanted one as well.  So I bought the one on the left for her.  Actually, I had wanted to buy another elephant to keep Sharveen's elephant company but the shop I went to only had one elephant left.  My poor Elephant would still be alone after I bring its friend home to Ipoh this weekend.

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