Thursday 24 February 2011


Yesterday afternoon, something very embarrassing happened to me.  Immediately after school was over, I went to a Chinese medium school in Sitiawan to attend a meeting for the district level basketball tournament.  When I reached there, I asked a teacher or two for the whereabouts of the Meeting Room.  They were all surprised and said that they did not know such a meeting was scheduled for the afternoon. Anyway, they pointed me to the Meeting Room and when I tried to open the door it was closed.  Then I went to the office to make enquiries and the clerk asked around but they too said there was no such meeting.  When I telephoned my library assistant to check the letter on my table, she told me that the date of the meeting was for next Wednesday, the 2nd of March. Oooh!  Malunya.  So embarrassing.  I quickly and quietly slunk away.  Unfortunately, I was rather conspicuous as I was wearing my Scouts uniform complete with beret and all.  Thank goodness, I had on my sunglasses.  That helped, I think.  Next week, when I go for the actual meeting, I am going to wear my Girl Guides uniform instead.  Oh!  The shame of it all. 


  1. Honestly if you did not fess up to the confusion and I was an official of that school, I would be counting my lucky stars that the school passed an unannounced spot check by a very official looking "inspector".

  2. I don't think so as Wedesday is Co-curriculum day and they would have guessed that I was someone from another school.
