Sunday, 23 January 2011


According to the Chinese Almanac today is a good day to spring clean the house unless you are born in the year of the Monkey as this zodiac is in conflict with the day.  Why is it necessary to choose a good day to do the cleaning?  Well, the Chinese believe that there are spirits in all forms of objects, for example, the furniture, bed, altar, stove, chairs, table, etc.  Therefore, moving furniture on an inauspicious day may clash with these spirits, thus bringing about bad luck. Hence, it is desirable to select an auspicious day to move furniture especially during the spring-cleaning ritual to usher in the New Year.

Since this is a Sunday and not a school day, I have some free time to carry out this once in a year tradition.  A few of my friends asked me why I needed to clean my house as they thought it was very clean already since I tidy the house very often.  However, I told them that even though my house appears clean, this spring cleaning ritual must be carried out as cleaning gets rid of the bad luck of the preceding year and makes the homes ready to receive the good luck of the coming year.
Clean though my house appear to be but it took me about half a day to get the sweeping, dusting, wiping, mopping and mopping done.

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