Saturday, 29 January 2011


On Friday, the boys in my class were in a festive mood because they would be having a one week break from school.  Quite a number of them said that they wanted to come to my house in Ipoh to visit me on the first day of the Chinese New Year.  At first, I thought it was okay but when I realised that a few of them would be travelling by motorcycles from their hometowns which were not in Ipoh, I told them not to come as it would be very dangerous.  Each year there would be a lot of accident cases during festive seasons and I would not want anything to happen to any one of my students.  If they had said they were coming by bus or their parents were sending them, then I would have welcomed them with open arms.  Instead, I told them I would be giving them a treat when school reopens. 
After class, the boys helped me to plant Nga Ku or Arrowroot in a pot in the school Herb Garden.  During Chinese New Year, one of the common practice is to plant Nga Ku to signify growth when spring comes.  However, I don't think the Nga Ku would sprout any shoots on the first few days of the lunar new year, perhaps towards the 14th or 15th day.  We'd have to wait and see.  Anyway, my boys were very enthusiastic about doing the planting and everyone wanted to plant one Arrowroot bulb.

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