Tuesday 11 January 2011


In my school I am considered as an 'out of norm teacher' or 'guru luar norma'.  Hey!  This does not mean that I am abnormal.  As the Media teacher cum Resource Centre supervisor, I have to concentrate on other responsibilities for the running of the school. That is why I do not teach as many periods as others.  However, I have to focus on making sure of the smooth running of anything related to the resource centre and the media.  Other 'out of norm teachers' in the school are the remedial teachers, the counsellor and the Bestari teacher. 
Yesterday, I had to give a briefing about the school Resource Centre to the new Form 4 students.  For your information, the resource centre in my school include the library, the computer labs, the gallery, the self-access learning room and the herb garden.
I usually go back home at around 5.00 p.m. as there are quite a lot of things to be done in the afternoon, for example, activities and meetings for the librarians, edit photos and videos, writing reports, updating the school website and the school blog.

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