Tuesday, 25 January 2011


ARGGGHHHH!  Kamariah said that my face looked very much rounder in my new pictures.  I must have overindulged.  When I declared to her that starting the next day, I was not going to eat breakfast, she told me that my mum would be having a big laugh if she heard about that.  Aiyoh!  What is it with everyone?  Whenever I said I was going on a diet, everyone would be laughing in disbelief.
Really, I am serious.  I will not indulge in food so that I would not bulge and have a round face.  After I have done with blogging for today, I will go and print the picture of Jang Geun Suk with the chubby baby below and stick it to my fridge to remind me not to eat all the snacks there.  I want to have a nice oval shaped face like Geun Suk instead of looking like the cute baby.  Seriously, unlike the young man and the little baby, I am too old to be cute.

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