Thursday, 13 January 2011


For some time now, my mum has been trying to make the garlic vine in her garden bloom profusely like that of my neighbour's (shown in the first and second pictures).  However, she was unsuccessful until recently.  The plant has begun to bear a lot of flowers and my mum takes much joy in looking at the lovely lilac flowers which are shaped like little trumpets.
Do you know that the plant is used as a substitute for garlic in the kitchen?  That is why it is called Garlic Vine.  This plant is well known for its leaves that emit a garlicky smell only when crushed. Its blossoms also give off a faint garlic odour. Furthermore, the roots, stems and leaves have medicinal uses and are used to reduce fevers, treat colds, throat, and respiratory troubles.


  1. Hi,do you know how to use it as replacement for garlic?

  2. Not too sure about how to go about that.
