Friday, 28 January 2011


 The white promfret above costs RM70 a kilogramme when I did the asking on Monday at the jetty.  This is not unusual during the week running towards the Chinese New Year.  The price would be even higher at the markets.Why is it so?  It is because the fish has an auspicious sounding name.  I wonder how much it costs today?  Perhaps, I should go and check out the price.
Another food item that would see a major price hike would be prawns.  The ones above were going for RM45 a kilo.  Prawns also have an auspicious sounding name.  In Cantonese it is called 'Ha' which is similar to the sound of laughter.    I think it is the fishmongers and fishermen who would be laughing all the way to the bank.  Ha! Ha! Ha!

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