Thursday, 27 January 2011


In 2011, the number 7 star flies to the centre of the house.  This is not an auspicious star as it brings with it negative things.  What to do?  Do read the excerpt below to learn how to deal with the Nasty Number 7.

Blue crystal ball

CENTER (Metal 7)

In 2011, Tui 7 Red (Po Jun) robbery star is a metal star and known as the mischievous Po Jun #7 argumentative red star which has a negative influence in Period 8. ( 2004-2024). The trigram Tui is also known as “Broken Soldier”. This is a fighting star and can cause problems if not cured, the #7 Red indicates a high risk of burglary, deception, copyright theft, gossip and back stabbing this year. There is also a danger of losses that may come from either within the family or external characters.

In order to prevent this, the great cure for the 7 is Blue Rhino with the Elephant. It is better if both statues are made of Crystal or blue glass. You can also use a rhino-elephant crystal charm, that you can hang on either the lamp, door knob or anything else you may have in this sector. A Blue Crystal Ball or natural blue crystal works as a cure as well. In some cases, CENTER sector of the home may be the hallway or another area, that is not in immediate use by the household members. This area still needs to be cured. For example, if the CENTER is in the hallway with a closet in the middle of the wall, you can place a Rhino Statue and a crystal inside the closet for the entire year. Just remember to periodically cleanse the cures and put them back in place during the year.

In 2011, the CENTER is not a good area for writers, artists or children, and especially for the youngest daughter. But there are cures to dispel the negative influence of the 7. If your main or any other door falls into the CENTER sector, and is often used, or if you have a main window in this area, you should try to update your home security, smoke alarms etc. Hang a Ba Gua mirror outside that door or the window facing the street. Try to also keep this area as quiet as possible and the doors and windows mostly closed.

Best colors for the CENTER are blue or black.

Avoid Yellow, brown, orange, red and other Earth and Fire colors in this area. This also applies to natural crystals if you use them as cures. Preferably try to stay with blue or black crystal shades in the CENTER.

If your office or the office door is located in this area, be extra careful with people trying to deceive you, as this star normally causes problems with people you think you know and always thought that you could trust. This is the star of unexpected betrayals.


Use the colors Blue, Gray, Black or Charcoal in all your decorations (cushions, rugs, bedding,curtains, table cloth, doormat, etc).

  • Do not use any FIRE element or Yellow, brown, orange, and other Earth and Fire colors in this area, this may aggravate it.
  • Place a Blue Rhino and Elephant in Center for protection.
  • Place a Blue Crystal, preferably crystal ball in the Center.
  • Do not hang metal wind chimes here.
  • Avoid candles and bright lights in this area all year around.
DO NOT USE FIREPLACE if it is located in the Center.


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