Tuesday 23 November 2010


The 23 third day of the month of November, 2010 marks the start of the SPM examination for the Fifth Formers of my school.  This is what two years of studying in the Seri Manjung Vocational School culminates in.  The results for this particular examination has a wide implication on the future of these boys and girls; good results would see them to universities, average results would mean going to less prestigious institutions of higher learning.  A fail would mean they either have to resit or to start looking for work.
 The students sitting for their Malay Language Paper in the school hall this afternoon.

 While the students do battle with pen and paper in the hall.  Their teacher wait patiently outside.
It might not be much but Khairah and I feel that our presence outside the hall would give further encouragement for our students to perform well.  The Malay Language paper is the most important paper for the SPM examination.  If they fail this paper, they fail the whole exam.

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