Tuesday 9 November 2010


 Last Friday, my mum, Aunt Linda and I attended a Deepavali Open House hosted by Sharveen's family.  Their guest of honour was the Minister of Transport, Dato' Kong Cho Har.  The other guest of honour was the chief minister of Perak, Dato Dr Zambry but then he could only come the next day.
 Here is a group picture taken with Dato' Kong.  The moment he saw me Dato' Kong uttered the name of my school, Sekolah Teknik. The Dato' has a very good memory.
 Some of the food served at the Deepavali Open House.
 My mum and aunt with Sharveen and his mother.
Roti canai
 Deepavali lights
 Sharveen with his brother, mum and grandma.
Sharveen and his younger brother
Sharveen and his teacher

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