Monday 25 October 2010


 Farisha and Afiq look on as Abang Izzulis paints the wall.
 Razin helps to do the touch-up after Izzulis paints the wall.
Mior is wiping off the paint that had dripped onto the tile.
Cleaning up the extra paint

Touch up
The painter
Razin and Mior waiting for Izzulis to finish painting

The walls outside my house needed to be repainted after the repairs by the housing development company and also the renovation work done by the contractors for the electronic gate, the grille and the tiles.  
Izzulis volunteered to help me do the repainting and his two friends, Razin and Mior came along to help as well. We started only at 5.15 p.m. today as we took some time to look for a shop that sold the paint needed.  We had to stop at around 6.15 p.m. as Izzulis had to go and pick his sister up from school and the two other boys needed to go home.  Actually a lot of the walls were already painted even after only one hour.  Tomorrow, they will come and help me complete the painting and then we will all go and have a meal at KFC Restaurant.

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