Wednesday 13 October 2010


I asked my boys, Izzulis and Mior, to come over to my house to help this evening. When they helped me to move the things from the old house to the new, I asked permission to keep a number of flower pots in my former neighbour's house with the promise to take them later.
In the above pictures, you can see the boys helping me to arrange those pots that he had left in the neighbour's house. Hmm ... they did quite a good job with the arrangement and also helping me to clean my porch.
Later, Tuan Haji Hasnin brought his power drill to help me to put up nails to hang my wall clocks, calendar and also pictures.
Thanks to help from my friends and students, my house is rather comfy now. It is looking more like a home and a very cosy one at that. Barring the electrical blackout and the mad man, there were a lot of positive Qi and good vibes generated from all the kindness and goodwill shown by everyone concerned.

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