Monday 6 September 2010


I treated four of my friends to a Ramadhan Buffet at Strawberry Cafe this evening.  They have been helping me to get my new house stayable and the dinner treat is just a small way of showing my sincere thanks to them.  One of my visitors who follow this blog, Danial, commented that it was good to know that things are going well so far with my new house.  Well, it is because of the assistance and advice of my dear friends that  things are going well.  Their rallying to help me has helped to take a lot of pressure off my back and also I know that they have my interest at heart.  Therefore, I truly am blessed to have friends like them.

My guests were Mr and Mrs Wong, Daniel and his wife, Umi.  I had wanted to invite a few more of my friends but they had already gone back to their hometowns since school holiday has begun.  As usual, Eric and his staff were around to give us good service.  The food was also very nice.  As a bonus, Eric let me take home the sharks fin soup so that I could have it for supper after I uploaded the pictures I took at his Cafe this evening.

Here are more photos of the food for the Ramadhan Buffet and also of the staff and customers at the Cafe tonight.

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