Monday 6 September 2010


The housing developer has given me two weeks to report all the repairs that need to be done to the house before I can really move in.  This afternoon, I got Daniel to help me look at all the damages inside and outside the house.  He even climbed up onto the pillar to look at the tiles on the roof.  Tomorrow, he will help me to write down the damages so that I can send the form to the maintenance department.
Aiyoh!  This moving into a new house is really stressful business.  I am also praying that I will be blessed with good and kind neighbours.  That is even more important than the damages which can be repaired easily.


ennie said...

Yes, Lina, finding a house, liaising with the relevant authorities (water/electricity/indahwater/etc.), prepare it for stay-in condition and moving-in, very strenous exercise. but one word of comfort to u, the end result shall be satisfying. Have fun preparing the new house and congratulations for finally becoming a proud house owner.
But a friend of mine, move house every 3-4 years, don't knw how and where she find the energy to do it. when she see one that suit her, she will sell stock-lock-barrel, walking out with just her suitcase and start all over with the new house - renovating & furnishing. BTW, she is in the real estate line, maybe that explain her constantly on the move.

Miss Cheah said...

Thanks for the comment. However, I am feeling rather shortchanged for having paid so much to get such an inferior quality house. There are cracks in all the rooms. They need to do some major repairs for me. The housing developer better do something as many of my readers have seen the pictures of the damages.
At least they can be gracious enough to get the house repaired for me to move in before the end of September. That is the decent thing to do.