Sunday 1 August 2010


Is it a hazard or treat for Joe Chen to liplock with Huang Xiao Ming?

I read that Taiwanese actress Joe Chen and mainland China's Huang Xiao Ming are busy filming a new movie in Beijing and two actors who are unfamiliar with each other had to film a kissing on the first day of filming. The kiss scene took place on a shaky dragonboat. As the script would have it, the two accidentally kissed and quickly moved apart but Xiao Ming was to go for a even deeper kiss immediately after. According to the report, both of them had to redo the scene 5-6 times before getting it right. Joe admitted to feeling nervous when faced with the Chinese Shuai Ker (handsome guy).

I really give a big kowtow to the actresses who have to kiss actors whom they might have met for less than a few hours all because the script requires them to do so.  In Joe Chen's case, she and Huang Xiao Ming filmed the kissing scene less than 3 hours after meeting each other on the set.  Imagine, they had to do it 5 to 6 times to get it right.  It must have been really awkward.
For me kissing little babies and little children is just fine but then to kiss a male that one has just known after a few hours.  No, no, no! The guy might have bad breath.  Yucks!  Or Smoker's breath.  Then there is the risk of contacting some diseases.   I guess the kissing scenes can be considered a hazard of the trade.  Or could it be a benefit for some?


1 comment:

Miss Cheah said...

Thanks for the comment.