Tuesday 27 July 2010


Katie Stagliano is making a difference

I couldn't help but be inspired by an 11-year old girl by the name of Katie Stagliano.  I read a story about her and a giant cabbage that she had planted.
Here is how her story goes ...

When Katie was in third grade, she was involed in a programme with Bonnie plants.   The little girl planted the cabbage seedling in a garden in the corner of her house, and watered it everyday. She would fertilize the cabbage and weed around it.  She and her family would then watch the cabbage grow.  Grow it did - reaching an amazing weight of 40 pounds.
As she felt that her cabbage was special, she wanted to find a special home for it.  Her mom contacted Fields to Families a local organization that help farmers get crops to soup kitchens that feed the hungry to see where she could donate her cabbage. They recommended that the cabbage be given to Tri County Family Ministries, a local soup kitchen.
In May of 2008 Katie and her family brought her cabbage to Tri County Family Ministries. When she walked in, she saw a huge line of people waiting for what might be the only meal they would have that day. The people who worked there and who were eating there were so friendly and nice. As she served her cabbage to the guests, they thanked her for helping to feed them. She knew there and then that she could and should do more to help.
That day at Tri County Family Ministries her dream was born.

Here, in her own words, is Katie's amazing dream for the future:

"My Dream for my amazing future is to make sure no children go to bed hungry. I grew a cabbage and donated it to a soup kitchen. It alone helped feed 275 people. I saw hundreds and hundreds of people and children lining up to eat my cabbage.

"If I could teach kids to grow vegetables, we could make sure no children go to bed hungry. It would only take a packet of seeds, water, soil, and some TLC ("tender loving care") and any kid could grow vegetables in their backyard.*

"My Dream is that kids working together can make sure no children go to bed hungry. My Dream is so simple it would only take a seedling."

Click on image to read an article about Katie.
What a noble dream!  What an amazing young lady!

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