Thursday 15 July 2010


I got a call from the owner of the house that I am renting yesterday.  He said that he had already sold the house and the new owners have already signed the loan agreement last month.  However, he did ask me when would it be possible for me to vacate the house.  I told him that it would most probably be in October.  So now I am keeping my fingers crossed that the developers will hand me the keys to the house soon so that I can install the grill, lights and fan.  And not to forget to connect the water supply to the house. 
In anticipation of the move, I am now looking for linen to make drapes or curtains for the sliding doors of the new house.  I sort of like the rose cottage type as they look so sweet.  The ones above cost RM9.00 per meter.  I need about 10 meters.  My mum says that she can sew them for me.

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