Thursday 8 July 2010


The principal of my school once posed a question about two trees that were growing side by side outside the library.  Both the trees were planted by the same person and were growing in conditions that were the same but one tree was way taller than the other.  My principal had asked me what had caused the plants to differ in size.  I answered, "Ask God for the answer".
In the above picture you see two of my Form 4 students.  One is very tall and slim and the other is short for his age.  The shorter boy is also way much rounder.  What had happened here?  A big part is due to genetics and another part is due to surroundings and nutrition.  Now this one I can answer.  However, there are also cases of siblings who share the same parents and also the same growing up environment but they also differ a lot in height and size.  Again, my answer will be to ask God.  Heh! Heh!

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