Saturday 3 July 2010


I have just finished a Korean drama called "Brilliant Legacy".  This drama was fun to watch and it also highlighted a few ethical values.  In one of the episodes, when the hero asked his grandma why she had such a great liking for a certain young lady, the grandma said that it was because the girl was a compassionate person.  She went on to explain that if a person is sympathetic, then he or she would just feel pity or sadness for someone.  However, a compassionate person would put into action what he or she feels and  will do something to help the unfortunate person.
They man in the picture above is the religious teacher of my school. We call him Ustaz Syed.  He is also fondly known as the Big Ustaz.  Besides his day job, Ustaz Syed also helps to run an orphanage and senior citizen's home.  I have seen the amount of time and sacrifice he has given to help those who are poor and needy.  This is an example of a compassionate guy.  Once in a while, I would try and do a little bit to help him out.  However, compared to what he has done, my effort is really very little.

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