Sunday 18 July 2010


Here in Malaysia, I notice that house owners like to extend their porch.  By this I mean, they add awnings to cover their porch so that there will be more shade.  However, if a house is too dark, then it means that there is too much Yin Qi.
Let's take a look at a few houses with awnings.
A house with half-coverd porch
The Feng Shui is good as there is adequate lighting and ventilation.  The place is not to yin and not too yang either.
Three-quarters covered porch
There is still adequate lighting and ventilation into the house and so the Feng Shui is still okay.
All covered porch
The porch of the two houses above is all covered.  Thisis bad feng shui as the whole place will be dark and the ventilation would not be good.  Occupants who live in such a house might not enjoy good luck and might suffer from ill health.

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