Monday 21 June 2010


A few of the vocational skills training teachers and I sent out students to various industrial locations in our district this morning.  60 of our Form 4 students will be assigned to different industries for their apprenticeship for a month.  From Mondays to Thursdays, the boys and girls will go for their training.  On Fridays, they go back to school to write reports of what they have done so far. 
This is the first time that this programme is being carried out in my school.  As a matter of fact, in a vocational school in our country.  When we visited our boys and girls and seven of the locations, we also met with a few of our former students who were now working there as technicians. 
Besides reinfocing and adding to the skills they have learnt in school, this type of practical training will give students work experience as well as get them used to the working environment and condition. 
As teacher, I know that my students have different levels of intelligence and not all the students that I teach will turn out to be engineers.  Those students who do not perform well academically will join the vocational skills classes.  As everybody knows, there can only be one general but many soldiers.

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