Monday 7 June 2010


I saw these very cheerful looking sunflowers when I sent my mum to the temple for prayers on Sunday morning.  This flower turns its head to the sun and also resembles it.  It does not require one with the mindpower of an Einstein to figure why it is so named.  The sunflower is one of my favourites as its cheerfulness and warmth makes me feel very happy each time I happen to see it in bloom. 
Some Feng Shui masters suggest placing sunflowers in an earthen pot in the Southwestern part of the house to energise for romance luck. Besides being used to activate for romance, sunflowers are said to have fire energy and a powerful stabilizing influence on the household.

Hmm ... I must remember to buy sunflowers to place in my new house when I first move into it as the powerful rays of the bright yellow flowers would uplight the Qi of the place and also bring a sense of stability to it.

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