Monday 28 June 2010


Aunty May passed away from cancer at 5.26 p.m. last Friday, 25 June 2010.  My family and I are truly saddened at her passing but we are also glad that she is finally at peace and free from all the pain and suffering.  Her funeral took place yesterday afternoon.  She was buried at the Catholic Cemetery in Tambun. 
Her son and daughter, Kenny and Sofie are my parents' godchildren and that makes them my godbrother and godsister.  Aunt May was my mentor, my confidante and a very good friend.  I will truly miss her.
James her grandson doesn't really understand the concept of death or what heaven is.  When you ask him or his sister, Jamie where Nai Nai (Mandarin for grandmother) is, they will say "Nai Nai has gone to Heaven".
The two little ones will tell everyone that "Nai Nai is sleeping in the box with Jesus looking after her"
Kenny, Uncle Gan and Sofie having one last look at the late Aunty May.
My sister Li Mei and her two sons at the funeral of Aunty May on Saturday afternoon.

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