Tuesday 8 June 2010


I went and consulted my health consultant today at Parkson Grand.  This was a follow-up check on my cells after I took the health supplement.  So far I have been taking it for three weeks.  However, it seems that there wasn't much change to my cells.  According to Kelly, the consultant who attended to me, they still were all bunched together and did not look too good.  From her analysis, I should be very tired and listless.  However, me being the Energiser Bunny I am, I do not feel the way that she described.  However, I am afraid that if I do not do anything then there will come a time when the Bunny will be a Lethargic one.  I promised Kelly that I would be drinking at least 10 glasses of plain water a day, eat less oily food, to have enough sleep, do more exercise, learn to relax and to take the health supplements that she prescribed regularly.  She told me that they take about 3 months to show some significant effects.

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