Sunday 6 June 2010


I have always called the plant above by its Mandarin name Ye Lai Xiang.  When I saw that it was labelled as Harum Sundal Malam at the Farmer's Market, then only did I realise that this was the flower that they referred to in a Malay movie.  It is also known as "Mistress of the Night" (Polianthes tuberosa) maybe because this night blooming plant gives off a very distinctly fragrant smell that attracts admirers to it like a mistress to a wayward husband.  In Mandarin Ye Lai Xiang means "fragrance that comes at night".
The name of this plant was used as the title of a Malaysian vampire movie called "Pontianak Harum Sundal Malam" starring the beautiful Maya Karin. I did not watch the movie and do not really know if the plant was featured in the movie or was just mentioned.  Anyone out there who watched the movie?  Perhaps you could tell me whether the Harum Sundal Malam plant appeared in the movie.

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