Sunday 20 June 2010


Jeremy, Benjamin and me
Jeremy turns 20 today
The Large Fish Prawn King Combo Pizza.  Yum! Yum!
Grandma Joo Lee and her two grandsons, Jeremy and Benjamin

The twentieth of June is a special day for my family.  It happens to be my nephew Jeremy's birthday. This year Father's Day also happens to fall on this day. However, the double celebration I am  referring to does not include Father's Day.  Rather, Jeremy shares the same birthday with my sister, Li Lian.  Yeah! 
My mum, Benjamin and I celebrated with Jeremy at a fast food restaurant this afternoon.  Their parents were busy and could not join us.  I think they have some relatives from Australia visiting them.
Actually my family has two double birthdays.  My youngest nephew, Kristofer, and my late father were both born on August 8.  That itself is a special date - double eight.  Get it!
Do you have members of your family sharing the same birthday?  If yes, do leave a note to share with me and Xing Fu readers.
P/S:  Just in case you are wondering why all my nephews have western sounding names, the reason is that they are all Christians.  Their names are in their birth certificates and not ones that they picked themselves for social purposes.

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