Tuesday 29 June 2010


All you need to do is:

Step 1
Boil some medium-large eggs until they are hard boiled. Make sure you let really cool water to run over the boiled eggs, so the shell is easier to peel. Then, peel off the shell.

Step 2
While hot/warm, place the egg into the egg shaper with the pointy side facing up.

Step 3
Close the cover and press down until you hear the click of the container. Then, just leave it aside to cool down.

Step 4
Open up the shaper. Walla! Your shaped eggs!

Simple as that! Besides heart shape and star shape, they have the Fish and Car shapes too!

Source: http://www.funnycoolstuff.com/2009/02/20/shape-your-eggs/


Eaven Sun Lee Peng said...

So cute! I thought it was a soap when I first saw the display picture. LOL

Miss Cheah said...

Yeah! They are cute. I am trying to get buy the moulds.