Monday 7 June 2010


Forgive me but I just couldn't help not giving a comment about a piece of Malaysian society news that was published today.  This is with regards to the marriage of producer Aziz M. Osman aged 48 to a 21 year old undergraduate from a local university.  This is the fourth marriage for the groom and of course, the first for the bride who is definitely young enough to be his daughter.
Hmm ... who am I to say anything?  Love is blind after all.  Hopefully, the young lady and her man know what they are in for.  On second thought, let me rephrase the last sentence.  Hopefully, the young lady knows what she is in for.  As for the guy, he surely knows.  After all he has been married for 3 other times.  Hee!  Hee!  Hee!
To read more about the wedding, please click here.

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