Monday 21 June 2010


There is one World Cup match that I need to watch in the early hours of Monday morning and that is the one between Brazil and Ivory Coast.  The problem is tomorrow is a school day and I need to work.  But I so want to watch the Brazilians play.  I do have a habit of sleeping only a few hours but then I know my library assistant, Asiah would nag me if she found out I did not have enough sleep.  I can imagine what she will say, "Li Na, sedar diri, kau dah tua. Tak boleh tidur sikit.  Nanti dapat banyak penyakit".  (Li Na.  You must realise that you are no longer young.  You can't sleep so little.  You will get all sorts of illnesses.)
And so, I stop blogging and go to sleep now.  I will set my alarm clock to 3.30 a.m. and watch the second half of the match.  Then I will go back to sleep at around 4.30 a.m. after the match ends and sleep until 6.30 a.m.  How is that for time management?  Smart, eh?

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