Sunday 13 June 2010


My sister, Li Lian and her family are back in Ipoh for a few days.  Like us here in Malaysia, they are also having their school holidays in Singapore.  However, our school holiday started last week but theirs only started this week and would only end a week after ours.  Here are two photographs of my niece Kelley and nephew Kristofer with their other aunt, Li Mei (the one with the cap).   Their eldest brother, Keefe who is studying at the Polytechnic could not make it as he has to attend lectures.  I actually took a picture of Kris and Kelley with Li Mei's sons, Jeremy and Benjamin but then clumsy me accidentally erased the two pictures.  Now I will have to wait until next time to snap a photo of them as tomorrow the boys and their parents will be going to Kuala Lumpur to settle the housing arrangement before they register for Taylor's College in July.  They will also visit Aunt May and another aunt of theirs who are both warded at Universiti Hospital.

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