Saturday 12 June 2010


My spoilt carpet
Damage done to my cupboard
The damaged done to my book shelf
Bits from my cupboard and my partly eaten clothes
What was left of my clothings
The partly destroyed newspapers
What was left of my Masters Dissertation

Unbeknownst to me, my old newspapers, books, linens, towels and clothes had been grub for termites during the beginning of the school holidays.  I had a big shock when I went back to my rented house on Friday night.  My Aunt Linda had advised me to pack the clothes and stuff that I don't frequently use so that come time for me to shift, I wouldn't be in such a rush.  When I opened the door of my cupboard, I found that it was infested with termites or white ants.  Similarly my book shelf was also feasting ground.  The thing is I had removed my Feng Shui books from the same shelf and placed them in boxes before the holidays.  As I did not have enough boxes I left the rest of the books there.  At that time, there were no termites.  Apparently, the little pests came when I was away.  How sneaky!  The saddest part was that the termites ate part of my Masters Dissertation.  Now I have to print a new one and get it bound.
By the way, I used up two cans of Ridsect and two packets of termite powder in my effort to rid my house of the pest.  Then I had to hire a lorry to cart away the spoilt furniture, clothings and books. 

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