Thursday, 3 June 2010


The location of my table at my workplace wasn't too suitable as I was having some problems with a few of my subordinates.  They just weren't carrying out the duties assigned to them and were also very disrespectful.  As a Feng Shui practitioner, I strongly believe that it was the placement of my desk which had something to do with it.  When I took over the post of Media teacher, I just went and occupied the room and did not think to check if  the position of the desk was suitable.  Well, that was a Feng Shui No No that I committed. 
In Feng Shui, one of the things to bear in mind when palcing our beds and desks is the "Command Position." What then is the "Command Position".  It is when we face the door from the far side of the room but are not directly in front of the door.  It is the position usually at the part of the room diagonally farthest from the entry.  This is the best Command Position.

The benefits of sitting in the Command Position is that Qi enters and flows through the space, while being far enough removed from the doorway that one is not exposed to Qi that is too ovderpowering. Ideally, a Command Position would have a solid wall behind one for support. Sitting in this position puts one in visual command of the space, and allows one to face life head-on.
The position that I used to sit was where I could not see the door from where I was working.  This is bad as it there would be lots of unexpected and nasty things sneaking up on me at work and there is also a tendency to skirt around issues instead of facing them directly.
Realising the mistake, I quickly went to work and got a few of my students to help me rearrange the furniture in my room.  They helped to arrange the desk so that I would be sitting with my back facing the wall instead of the window.  Anyway, I have very thick curtains for the windows and so that would also suffice.  Now my desk is situated diagonally from the main entrance but not facing the front door.  I can see who enters and exits the place.  I hope that by using the Command Position I would be able to remove the negativity and be able to control my space and also working life. 

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