Friday, 4 June 2010


It is fun visiting the blogs of other people.  From the what the bloggers write and the photographs that they take we get a window into their worlds.  Ever since I joined Nuffnang, I have been visiting the blogs of other Nuffnangers and also had them visiting me. 
An idea came to me just now when I was visiting two of the blogs on cooking.  I decided to give a review of the blogs I've visited.
Today I am going to start with "Coklatchoc4U" and "Lovely Kitchen".


Each time I visit this particular blog, I get to enjoy looking at the beautifully decorated cakes that were baked by the blogger.  The chef is Puan Ros who specialises in homemade chocolates and cakes.  From what I have seen so far, she also does other types of pastries like pizzas and also food.  
Since I did not get to taste the food, I can only presume that it is delicious.  However, if we go by looks alone, then the food must taste really good.  The good news is that one can order the food from her.  Yup!
The blog address is:


The blogger for Lovely Kitchen goes by the moniker E-na Zarina.  Those who love to cook would enjoy visiting her very interesting and informative blog as she provides the recipes for the food that she features in each post.  Her latest posts were recipes for Kuih Cara Berlauk and Roti Bunga Kacang Merah. 
Ah!  There is also this ongoing Pink Apron award given to visitors who have mastered certain cooking styles.  Too bad I only know how to cook only Chinese and Malay dishes.  Furthermore, I dare not call myself a pro.  Maybe Zarina would give me the apron award as I helped to promote her blog.  Kee! Kee! Kee!
To visit, please go to:


E-na Zarina said...

Tq for drooping by my blog and promoting Lovely Kitchen! really appreciate it...I'm not pro in cooking just wanna keep all the recipes yg I dah buat for my reference and my siblings n friends yg interested dgn recepis tu semua...and maybe for my kids in the future bila nak masak boleh tgk Lovely Kitchen...if blog still wujud lagi masa tu laaa...hi hi

pssst : ambik la apron award tu as a reward for u sbb u also cooking at home rite...tq n have a nice day..

Miss Cheah said...

Heh1 Heh! I will take the award and post it in my blog. TQ TQ