Friday 23 April 2010


Sweet and sour garoupa
Kerabu Squids
Kangkung Belacan
Butter prawns

I didn't have time to eat breakfast this morning as I was busy, busy, busy the whole morning.  It was either I had a class to teach, students or sales reps from various book companies who wanted to see me.
It was not until 3.00 p.m. that I finally got to eat lunch.  I told myself that I better take good care of myself and eat a hearty meal as I had been working very hard and not sleeping well.  I ordered the Butter Prawns, Kangkung fried with belacan, Kerabu Squids and Sweet and Sour Garoupa Fish.  Dessert also came with this set order. 
The food is okay at this halal restaurant but it is not as good as the ones that I eat at the Chinese restaurants. By the way, I did not eat the food all by myself.  Though I can eat a lot, I had help from Kamariah.  One day, I will give her a treat at 1919 restaurant in Ipoh so that she can enjoy the delicious food there.

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