Sunday, 7 March 2010


While I am still on the subject of umbilical cord, I would like to share with you an article about a traditional belief that the umbilical cord can be used to cure alcoholism. 

How to Cure Alcoholism With an Umbilical Cord
There are many beliefs worldwide. The umbilical cord of a first born boy have been said to possess special healing powers. In the quest to curb or stop alcoholism there is a common but taboo method being practiced in Central America. Cord blood banking is a controversial practice in the United States but some parents are freezing the blood cells which are accessed through the cord during child birth for possible future bone marrow transplant for their own children. In some parts of Central America parents are saving the entire umbilical cord of a first born boy, drying it up and later using it for healing remedies.

Things You'll Need:

*  umbilical cord of a first born boy

*  a little cunning

*  a week

Step 1: 
At child birth proceed to save the umbilical cord from the first born baby boy. Dry the umbilical cord and store away until its healing powers are needed.

Step 2:
When it is needed take the dried umbilical cord and grind it on a metate rock until it  becomes fine. Proceed to place the ground umbilical cord in a container with cap.

Step 3:
When all else has failed and your friend or loved one has fallen to alcoholism secretly add the ground umbilical cord to a natural drink they will be consuming. There should only be enough ground umbilical cord to do this once or twice. Many believe the umbilical cord causes the person who consumes it to begin to reject any alcohol immediately.


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