Monday, 22 March 2010


Sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin C and beta-carotene which are both powerful antioxidants that can significantly decrease ones risk of getting cardiovascular diseases, including diabetes, and various types of cancer, including colon cancer.  One good way to eat them is just to steam the sweet potatoes with the skin and then eat them by peeling off the skin.  The Chinese have another way of eating them and that is making it into a Tong Shui (a kind of sweet drink).

During my trip to Cameron Highlands, I bought some sweet potatoes and I gave some to a couple of my friends in school.  During lunch time, I was telling them that besides baking and steaming the sweet potatoes, we could make Fan Shu Tong Shui or Sweet Potato Soup with them.  Well, I boiled the Tong Shui tonight and will let my friends try it tomorrow.  I am sure some of you might also want to give the recipe a try and so I have posted it here. 

Fan ShuTong Shui
Serves about 6 - 8 persons


1.5 - 2 litres of water

1/2 kilogramme of sweet potatoes

25 - 30 red dates

a handful of dried longans (optional)

1 packet of rock sugar

A knob of ginger - about 2 inches (either sliced or smashed)

6 -7 pandan leaves

  1. Peel the sweet potates and cut them into cubes.  Then wash thoroughly.
  2. Boil water in a pot with some pandan leaves.
  3. When the water boils, take out the pandan leaves.
  4. Next, add the red dates, sweet potato cubes and ginger. 
  5. Let the water boil again.
  6. After that lower the heat and let it simmer for about half an hour or so. 
  7. Put in the rock sugar (and the dried longan if you wish).
  8. Let the Tong Shui cook for another 5 to 10 minutes or until the rock sugar dissolves.
TADA ... the Fan Shu Tong Shui is ready to be served.  You can have it hot or cold..

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