Sunday, 31 January 2010


Here are some tips on how you can utilize the powerful Wind chimes to Feng Shui your way to a better life.
  • Place a Windchime inside the toilet to press down the bad luck of the toilet.
  • In Flying Star Feng Shui, the Six rod metal Windchime made from metal (brass, bronze etc.) is an excellent cure to ward-off the evil influences of the malignant #5 yellow star and #2 black star. The #2 black star is also known as the ‘Sickness Star’ which brings illnesses and ailments to occupants while the #5 yellow star is the ‘Disaster Star’ that instigates fights, accidents and death. Hanging the six rod all metal Windchime on the ceiling in the affected sectors will dissolve these adverse energies.
  • Place a six rod metal Windchime in the West sector to activate children luck based on the Pakua's Life Aspiration Theory. This sector is also said to represent happiness.
  • Display a six-rod metal Windchime in the North sector to activate career luck. This sector’s element is water and the use of metal produces water.
  • Hang a six rod metal Windchime in the Northwest sector to boost your mentor luck or the luck of attracting helpful people, advisers and friends into your life, people who can assist and bring you with abundant opportunities whether it be at work, at school or in your business. The Northwest is a big metal sector and coupled with 6 being the number representative of the element in this sector, the effect is doubled!


Make sure Windchimes are not hung in a way where someone sits, eats, works, sleeps or stand underneath it regularly. It can result in head injuries and other illnesses and accidents.

Do not hang Windchimes in sectors containing the #3 star. It will erupt in quarrels among family members and cause tempers to flare.

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