Friday 4 December 2009


Many Asians believe that if a place is not used for a certain period of time, then there is a likelihood that yin forces or spirit beings might dwell there. What I usually do if I go to school at night or during the weekends for extra classes is to get my boys to enter the classroom or the library in a big group first and switch on all the lights. Knowing them, the boys would be making lots of noise and moving here and there to create lots of energy. The Yang energy that they emit and create would most certainly overpower that of the Yin that is there.

It is the holidays now but my Form 5 students are sitting for their SPM examination. During the mornings and afternoons, the students can go to the library to do their revision. I notice that it is the boys who like to come. The girls prefer to study in their hostel. Having the boys here is good as they themselves are Yang. After they finish their last paper next week of December, then only my library assistant, Puan Asiah would be left there. She told me before I took over as the library supervisor she has experienced strange goings-on in the late afternoons during the school holidays when she was working alone. She would hear a book drop from the shelf and when she goes to check there is no one there. This would repeat itself a few times. Nowadays she switches on the television when she is working alone in the library.

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