Monday 7 December 2009


Kim Hyun-Jung born June 6, 1986
Arron Yan born November 20, 1986

The two young men above are currently on the wanted list of many teenage girls in Asia. Kim Hyun-Jung and Arron Yan both are members of very popular boybands in their home countries and they also have another thing in common, they were both born in the year of the Tiger.
Recently both young men had their privacy invaded by either fans or the media. Kim Hyun-Jung's nocturnal rendezvous with two females was given wide coverage by Hong Kong paparazzi while Arron Yan's fans have been following him around and camping below his new flat causing a lot of distress to him, his family and their neighbours. His fans also invaded his hotel room in China the moment he left. There they found that he did not take back some of their gifts after which they made a big hoo-hah on the internet about his actions. The young man was livid and said that the fans did not respect his privacy.
So you see, it is not all fun being a celebrity. Your every movement is scrutinized and also one wrong move you are lampooned on the Internet. I guess they need to be extra careful when going to the loo for fear that there might be fans there. Hmm ... better be ordinary us who don't need to worry too much about being hounded by fans and the famous Dog Pack.
Next year will be the year of the Tiger and I am sure both young men will find that they might have even more troubles ahead. Look out for my post about the fate and fortune for people born in the year of the tiger next week.

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