Wednesday 2 December 2009


I went to meet my friend Lai Yoong this morning to hand her some dessert I had made. She was doing her routine line dancing practice at her senior citizen's club in Sitiawan which is housed on the first floor of the Chua Wan Kheng and Cheng Heng Ling Building. The ground floor is the Haemodialysis centre.
The signpost for the senior citizen's club. I was a bit late reaching the place and the ladies were already doing their last dance practice for the day and so did not take photographs of the place. For your information it boasts of a dance studio, a Karaoke room, a pantry, a hall and other facilities for members to while away their time. I think there is also a gym but am not certain.
A few of the members of the club. My friend, Lai Yoong, is second from the right. The dance instructress is second from the left.
Believe me, the ladies are very fit and they dance beautifully.
Next to Lai Yoong who is so petite, I look like a giant.

Aiyoh! I am envious of the ladies as they seem to be able to make full use of their time. They look so happy and healthy that I think I will join them when I retire. Come to think of it, I don't think I want to retire as I like to work as long as I am healthy and able.

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