Wednesday 16 December 2009


This is me earlier in the day before getting the migraine
Showing the dying calabash plant

The roselle is almost dead
Sharveen trying his best to give the plant a large dose of water
Almost dead
Sharveen showing the yellowing leaves

Each time I go back to school during the holidays, I become every upset when I take a walk in the Herb Garden and Fruit Garden. More and more plants seem to be dying. I had requested that the janitors water the plants regularly but it seems that has fallen on to deaf ears. The marvellous thing is that they can stand and watch while Sharveen and I water the plants. Sad, isn't it?
That has triggered off my headache and I am beginning to feel the coming of a migraine attack. Besides, I was already upset when I found out that my request to go to Singapore to visit my sick aunt has not been processed yet as the particular department in the State Education Department is under renovation and they can't find the forms which I sent before the holidays. I am going there tomorrow but the clerk said to be not too optimistic as the Director of Education might not be around and so there would be no one to sign the form for me. Argggghhhhh!!!

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