Wednesday 2 December 2009


The Leeia Asiatica in critical condition
The leaves of the calabash plant have turned yellow
The plant looks terrible
Asiah watering the fruit trees.

I wasn't very pleased when I went back to school today to check on the plants in the Herb Garden and Fruit Garden. Quite a number of the plants looked withered and a few were in critical condition. I was in school from Tuesday to Thursday and the plants were fine as I watered them and there was a lot of rain.
When I asked the janitors they told me that the labourers who were building the wall for the school was using the hose and they couldn't use it. Furthermore, they told me that there was rain. I think that is really a lame excuse. They could jolly well fill containers to water the plants since it is one of the task they have to do daily.
I have often told everyone that we have to treat the plants well because we would also gain merit by showing love to nature. I was actually quite upset when I saw the condition of the plants and called the supervisor to ask him to tell the workers to spruce up the Herb Garden and Fruit Garden tomorrow. I will go and check in the evening to see that all my 'darlings' have been given first aid treatment.

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