Tuesday 22 December 2009


I drove my mum to the shop to get something this evening. When we were on our way back to our house, we saw one car parked in the middle of the road. I asked my mum if she saw anybody in the car and she said no. I then guessed that the driver had an emergency and rushed into the house.
We went home to pick up my aunt for dinner. When we passed the same car again, I noticed something fishy. I said that about 15 minutes had passed and the car was still in the middle of the road. I wanted to get down and look. Both my elders started to reprimand me and told me not to go as they feared something might happen to me. Despite their scoldings, I refused to listen and stopped the car by the side of the road and went to have a look. I found that the driver of the car had passed out. I tried to knock on the window to wake her up, she did not respond. That was when I called the people from the house where my car was parked, an elderly couple. They too came out and the kind old man opened the door of the car. He said that just in case since she was in the car for some time, and was afraid of carbon monoxide poisoning. After that I called 999. Later more residents came out to help. A few of them rerouted the oncoming cars as the lady's car was just a few feet from the turning. Anyone driving a bit fast might not be able to brake in time to avoid hitting the car. Another man called the police. Finally the ambulance and the members from RELA came and took over from there.
What all this boils down to is that we as humans must respond to such situations of distress. The person who had passed out could be us or one of our friends or relatives, if people do not do something, then something bad might happen.

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