Tuesday 1 December 2009


On the first and fifteenth day of the lunar month, my mum would buy flowers to place on the house altar as offering to the deities Kuan Yin and Fu Teen Sheong T'ai. Usually we find that a day before or on the day itself, there will be a charity sale of flowers at Buddhist shops or even at the Pasar Malam. I was told that the flowers were donated by flower growers in Cameron Highlands and the money from the sale would be channelled to the Old Folk's Home and Children's Home in Ipoh. 6 stalks of chrysanthemum flowers sell for RM3.00. I bought some as offering to be placed on the shrine of Our Lady of Fatima.

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog. glad to know about your tradition of offering flowers to deities on first and fifteenth of the month. Enjoyed your blog very much. Iflorist.co.uk
