Thursday 17 December 2009


Those who believe in geomancy believe that ones name would have an effect on ones lives. I read this article about Gigi Lai Chi changing her Chinese name from Lai Chi 黎姿 to 黎珈而 in the hopes of begetting a son with her 52-year old husband.

Former actress Gigi Lai changes name in hopes of bearing a son

Former Hong Kong actress Gigi Lai has changed her Chinese name from "Li Zi" to "Li Jia Er" after a getomancer told her that this would increase her chances of getting pregnant.
Upon hearing this news, Lai's husband, businessman Ma Ting Qiang decided to reward her efforts by forking out HK$20 million (S$4 million) to expand Lai's beauty salon.
The 38-year-old former actress had been married to Ma, 52, for the past 11 months. When they got married, she promised to give the Ma family an heir but her efforts so far have been in vain.
Desperate for a child, Lai went to fertility specialists and even consulted a geomancer on the matter, despite being a devout Christian.
A geomancer claimed that Lai's old name "Li Zi" benefited her career but conversely decreased the chances of her having a child. Even if she conceived, the child will more likely be a daughter than a son.
Lai's new name "Li Jia Er" - which sounds the same phonetically as the phrase "adding a son" - is believed to change her fortune and improve her chances of gaining a son.
However, the new name will reportedly give her less luck with interpersonal relationships. This would not affect Lai much since she has retired from the entertainment industry and will not need to meet as many people as before.
Lai has asked all her acquaintances to address her by her new name. She also replaced all instances of her old name in her passport and other documents, on the advice of her geomancer.
According to the geomancer, her name change will be more effective if people forget about her old name quickly.- CNA/ha

Picture source:
Let me share with you a few of the comments that were posted by readers to the Asian Fanatics site:
  • she can't get pregnant because she is old, that's why. and not because of her name.
  • If the fortune tellers are so good and accurate on repairing other people's future/life why don't they fix their own lives before others? Why are those fortune teller still so poor?
  • I think they forgot that the older you get the chance of having a baby is very slim.... gosh gigi your 38 not 28 ....
  • As much as i like Gigi as a fan. This is stupid. u cant change ur name and suddenly u are pregnant. It has to do with fertility on the man's side. He is 52 so that already decreased their chances right there. They can both change their names and it won't increase anything
  • i think there is no hope for gigi to have a child, but if she has one, I would be glad for her. However, don't use this kind of silly method to get a son.
  • i am speechless...that's hardcore. This actually reminds me why I'm having such a hard time to digest traditional Chinese values/culture...


I think the comments made by those young boys and girls are really priceless. Believe me, I think that there is a lot of truth in what they say. Though I believe in Feng Shui but I don't accept everything and anything the Feng Shui masters say. There is always science and also the Supreme Being. There are some people who are not destined to have descendant luck and try as they may, they won't have any children. Even if they do, then they might eventually end up losing them and go back to being childless.

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