I brought Lai Yoong along with me on my visit to Mr Cheung, my massage therapist. Besides treating my left arm, he also had to massage my right shoulder as well. Naughty me had been lifting heavy pots and doing digging in my garden this morning. My neck and shoulder began to feel sore towards the late morning and by the time I met Lai Yoong in the afternoon, I was in pain. Serves me right for not following Mr Cheung's advice of taking things easy on my arm. Now I have to suffer.

Mr Cheung is seen massaging Lai Yoong's stiff back. He said it is because she was too long in an air-conditioned room.

Mr Cheung massaging Lai Yoong while another customer waits for his turn. There were a few more sitting behind me waiting for their turns.

See! My friend can even smile and not grimace unlike me who cannot stand pain.

Aiyoh! So painful. Mr Cheung said that I had brought it upon myself by working in the garden.

Wah! I am trying to look calm but actually his fingers pressing on my pressure points hurt like hell.

No pain, no gain.


Okay! Okay! From now on I will not even lift a spade in the garden. This is really very painful.
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