Friday 6 November 2009


With Harrison Joe, Li Ping and Lai Yoong
Ms Saundari, Li Ping, Kamariah, Harrison and Li Na

Group photo with the children at the welfare home and their supervisors

Once in a while I would drop by at the Vision Home in Sitiawan to visit the children there to see how they are doing. The children there were either from single parent families, orphans, abandoned children or those whose parents could not look after them. This afternoon I got my friends, Lai Yoong and Kamariah, to go with me to the Home.
Not all the children were home from school yet, as one of the supervisors, Uncle Sam, had to go to different schools to pick the children up. We managed to chat with Ms Saundari and Mrs Sam who look after the children. Last year there were more than 30 children but now there are only 19. It seems that some of the children went backs to their families.
In the first picture, Lai Yoong and I are with Harrison Joe and Li Ping. Harrison is the youngest at the home. He is only 4 this year. Li Ping is the oldest there. Though she is 20 years old but her mentality is that of a child and her caretakers worry for her wellbeing. Anyway, I am sure Li Ping and Harrison along with the other children will be looked after well by Ms Saundari, Mr and Mrs Sam.

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